bridge street development

Situated in the industrial heart of San Luis Obispo, Bridge Street Development will bring contemporary living to the central coast. 94 -100% affordable units are proposed to bring much-needed affordable housing to the area. The site is unique in its context with sweeping green hillsides as a backdrop and with a vibrant creek bed along its perimeter. The landscape architecture team thoughtfully designed outdoor spaces and playscapes to be reconnected to the creek. Special attention was paid to the riparian and native planting of the site and the layout responded to the existing tree locations. The architecture utilizes steel detailing, corrugated siding, and natural wood finishes to pay homage to the site’s industrial history. The warm materials convey a sense of comfort and welcoming spirit that will embrace future residents and families.

Location: San Luis Obispo, CA
Client: Private
Size: 36,715 SF
Scope: Architecture, Landscape Architecture, 3D Visualization
Completion: In-design

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